How to download subtitle automatically in VLC media Player

Hey Guys ! , Today I'm gonna show you  How to download Subtitle of Any Movie with the help of VLC media Player

Lets do it..

note:- Internet connection will be needed..

1. First you have to download  a new version of  VLC media Player (32 bit) or VLC media Player (64 bit) 

2. After downloading the software, just install it.

3. Then you should open your movie with VLC player.

4. When your movie will open just click on view button , a list box will open and then simply click on VLsub option

5. After Click on VLsub,  a dialog box will open where you can search your movie's subtitle.

6. Just click on search button a list subtitles of that movie will appear on your screen. Just click on one of your best subtitle synchronization with your video and click on Download section.

7. The downloading will takes few seconds (almost 4 to 5 seconds) as compare to your internet speed . After downloading just click on close button.

8. Now you can see the subtitle are shown to this video... :)

9. Type Keyword [v] to enable your subtitle in your video and again type [v] to disable your video.

10. This function is only work in VLC media Player.

If you have seen some error from downloading subtitle. So, here is the tips to resolve it:

  • Go to the VLC installation directory.
  • Look for the file named lua/extensions/VLSub.luac.
  • Open that file in a binary or hexadecimal editor. (DO NOT USE a text editor.) Download Hexa- decimal editor here
  • Look for the character sequence "HTTP/1.1" (without quotes).
  • Replace the last one by a zero: "HTTP/1.0".
  • Repeat the procedure; there should be a second occurence in the file.
  • Save the file.
  • (Re)start VLC.



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